Monday, January 3, 2011


There is only one thing I know to be true.


It doesn't matter how old they are, they are all curious, ornery, stubborn little monsters and I wouldn't have it any other way.  Except for when I'm tired, then maybe I would like a remote control with a volume and listen control button.
My boys spent all last week at their dad's and it was very, very quiet at my house.  I didn't have anyone to pick up after, besides my dog, Milo.

But he's so stinkin cute that I really don't mind...sometimes.
My monsters finally got home last night and we were all so excited to see them.  Milo gave them each 8,229 kisses (he has a licker problem and can't stop after one) and I hugged them until their eyeballs popped out.
In honor of my boys return, I would like to share with you just how "boyish" they are.

Drum roll please....

He is pretty pleased with himself.

But do you smell that, Dylan?  It's the smell of sweet, sweet revenge.

And it's coming after you!

Dylan pelted him right in the face with another snowball about 2.8 seconds after this victory lap around our backyard. But the revenge was sweet while it lasted.


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My life behind the lens. A place where crazy meets beautiful with two ornery boys thrown in the mix.

I'm a natural light, custom lifestyle photographer and graphic designer. I specialize in maternity, newborn, children, senior and engagement photography. I also design holiday cards, wedding stationary, newborn announcements and all kinds of invites. You name it I will create it.

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