I love to design! Love, love, love it. I wish I could spend more time designing baby announcements, holiday cards, birthday and wedding invites. I love that moment of inspiration when everything comes together. It somehow makes the world feel a little smaller and not so scary. I've often prayed that I could love exercising, eating moderately and cleaning as much as I love to design. But so far, that hasn’t happened.
I was bored the other night and came up with a few ideas for invitations.
This one is for my son. He loves swimming and his birthday is in July so it works perfect!
Here is one for a girl. It could be for any age.
I was in Wal-Mart the other day and came across a really cute pink and yellow polka dotted towel....hence the background :) Don't you just love Wal-Mart....besides the crazy lines, crazy people and the need to mark everything at $3.97? I’ve never quite figured that out.
That's all I have for now folks. Check back later this week for baby announcements, wedding invitations and more!
If you know anyone that has an upcoming birthday, birth or nuptial please make sure to pass my name along!
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