Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Things That Make Me Tick

It is a very long list indeed, including;   
My parents
Cherry Limeade Crystal Light
My sisters
Graphic Design
Winning radio contests
 And funny movies just to name a few.
But what really makes me tick, what really gets me going in the morning and keeps me moving through the day are these five beautiful creatures.

My cup runneth over!
What makes you tick?


Monday, January 24, 2011

Smelly Feet

Do all kids have smelly feet? 

Is it a boy thing? 

Is it a seven and a half year old thing? 

Either way my son has record breaking smelly feet.  He always has.  When he was 2 years old and started wearing sandals, I had to throw them away after a few months due to their stench.

And let me tell you something, it has NOT gotten better.  Not even close.

I will be sitting next to him on the couch and it takes all of 7 seconds for the smelly assault to begin.  I'm debating between buying face masks or lavender infused socks.  Any suggestions?

Here are the culprits...don don don don!!!!

Don't let them fool you.  They look soft and clean and sometimes even touchable.  Don't fall for it.  You're nose will file for divorce!

I hope this is a common "boy" thing and he doesn't have smelly feet syndrome.

Off to buy some tough actin' Tinactin!!!


Friday, January 21, 2011

Mid Western Sunset

One word.


Happy Friday everyone!


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Few Things

1.  It is snowing. 

When it's snowing, don't wear Airwalk Moccasins. 

When it's snowing and you have to stand in 4 inches of the nasty white stuff waiting for your son to get out of school, don't wear Airwalk Moccasins.

When it's snowing and you have to stand in 4 inches of snow waiting for your son to get out of school and then go back to work with no space heaters and the average temperature in the building is -32 degrees, don't wear Airwalk Moccasins.

If it was nice and sunny and you were lying on the beach eating bon bons, you could wear Airwalk Moccasins.  I don't know why you would want to wear them to the beach but you certainly could.

2.  I'm starting Project 365.  Every day for 365 days (wink, wink) I am going to take a new photograph.  I created a weekly theme and by golly I'm sticking to it!  Wish me luck.

B.   It's Wednesday.

Do you know what that means?

It's almost Friday, which means this work week is almost over.  We are going to take the boys to the Lincoln's Children Museum and Chucky Cheese on Saturday, if my Airwalk Moccasins decide to let me feet live.

Happy Hump Day!!!


Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I love to design!  Love, love, love it.  I wish I could spend more time designing baby announcements, holiday cards, birthday and wedding invites.  I love that moment of inspiration when everything comes together.  It somehow makes the world feel a little smaller and not so scary.  I've often prayed that I could love exercising, eating moderately and cleaning as much as I love to design.  But so far, that hasn’t happened.

I was bored the other night and came up with a few ideas for invitations.

This one is for my son.  He loves swimming and his birthday is in July so it works perfect!

Here is one for a girl.  It could be for any age.

I was in Wal-Mart the other day and came across a really cute pink and yellow polka dotted towel....hence the background :)  Don't you just love Wal-Mart....besides the crazy lines, crazy people and the need to mark everything at $3.97?  I’ve never quite figured that out.

Wedding stationary is exceptionally fun to design.  You can go completely overboard on the mush and gush and people love it.  Yes, I am one of those people but occasionally I prefer simple.  I love the wedding program above.  It is very simple but it fit so well with their wedding theme and decorations.  We actually pushed all the text over to the right and looped a light pink ribbon from top to bottom.  They turned out great!

That's all I have for now folks.  Check back later this week for baby announcements, wedding invitations and more!

If you know anyone that has an upcoming birthday, birth or nuptial please make sure to pass my name along!


Monday, January 3, 2011


There is only one thing I know to be true.


It doesn't matter how old they are, they are all curious, ornery, stubborn little monsters and I wouldn't have it any other way.  Except for when I'm tired, then maybe I would like a remote control with a volume and listen control button.
My boys spent all last week at their dad's and it was very, very quiet at my house.  I didn't have anyone to pick up after, besides my dog, Milo.

But he's so stinkin cute that I really don't mind...sometimes.
My monsters finally got home last night and we were all so excited to see them.  Milo gave them each 8,229 kisses (he has a licker problem and can't stop after one) and I hugged them until their eyeballs popped out.
In honor of my boys return, I would like to share with you just how "boyish" they are.

Drum roll please....

He is pretty pleased with himself.

But do you smell that, Dylan?  It's the smell of sweet, sweet revenge.

And it's coming after you!

Dylan pelted him right in the face with another snowball about 2.8 seconds after this victory lap around our backyard. But the revenge was sweet while it lasted.



About This Blog

My life behind the lens. A place where crazy meets beautiful with two ornery boys thrown in the mix.

I'm a natural light, custom lifestyle photographer and graphic designer. I specialize in maternity, newborn, children, senior and engagement photography. I also design holiday cards, wedding stationary, newborn announcements and all kinds of invites. You name it I will create it.

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